Finding the Right Volunteers 8 Practical Ways to Build your Team
No matter what ministry you are leading, you will need good volunteers to be successful for the long-term. Here are some proven ways you can recruit volunteers. In the next blog I will give you some practical ways to train volunteers.
1. Simply invite people to volunteer and do not say “No” for people. Hopefully, you have been building relationships throughout your church. If you have, create a list of people, and ask them. People will be honored you thought about them. Also, there might be people who would serve, but in your mind, you think they will say “No.” I often made this mistake in leadership and I probably missed out on some great volunteers. Do not answer for people!
2. Start by inviting someone to lead at a one-time event or trip. People want to help, but they are afraid of making a long-term commitment. The best way to get them in the door is to ask them to volunteer for one-time events, mission trips or retreats. I had the greatest success getting long-term volunteers after they served on a mission trip or retreat. On these trips, volunteers experience the Spirit in powerful ways, they see the impact of the ministry and they experience authentic community.
3. Seek a variety of ages. This one is specifically for youth leaders, because there is a misconception that youth ministry only needs young and “hip” volunteers. What youth need are mature Christian role-models and the wisdom from a variety of perspectives. Think outside of the box about the different roles for your volunteers or recruit the leader and then create the role that fits them.
4. Be prepared to answer questions before they are asked. People will have questions when you ask them to make a commitment to the ministry. Create a FAQ, so you can be prepared with answers. If you do not know an answer to a question, find out and get back to them ASAP. Never leave a volunteer waiting!
5. Have information available online. Have clear volunteer information online, along with any application forms. Online is a great place to have testimonies from the students and volunteer leaders. Give people multiple online options where they can choose to serve within the ministry
6. Share the vision and mission of your ministry from the stage or pulpit. Get people excited through your passion! People follow vision and passion, and the stage or pulpit is the greatest platform to deliver your message. Get people excited and help them see the impact of their contribution. It is best to deliver this message yourself and then have your pastor follow-up some time. The lead pastor will always be the most influential person in the church and their follow-up can really boost your call for volunteers.
7. Have other volunteers recruit for you. Your biggest recruiter for growing your team may not be you, but your current volunteers. They can share their experiences and impact as a volunteer leader. Additionally, they are connected to people you may not be. Brainstorm with your leaders on the volunteers you are going to recruit.
8. Attend membership classes. People who attend your church’s membership class are great prospects. They are there because they are excited about your church and can be more open to serving. Make sure you are present at these meetings and have your material there. This is another opportunity to show-off the great ministry you lead.
I hope these ideas for recruiting volunteers help you. Finding the right volunteers for the ministry you lead is key to your long-term success, and the health of your ministry. Once you recruit them, it is time to train them, and I will be discussing that in the next blog. Until then, go find those volunteers!